------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMET BUSTERS! v1.4 README ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * JOYSTICK - Comet Busters! now comes with the standard Windows Joystick driver for Windows 3.1. To install, just go to the Control Panel and click on "Drivers" and then "Add...", then "Unlisted or Updated Driver". All the files you need are in the JOYSTICK subdirectory off of the COMET directory. Then you'll need to copy the JOYSTICK.CPL file to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Next time you start up Control Panel, you should have a little icon that lets you calibrate your joystick. You need to do this for Comet to run properly. * You can easily translate Comet Busters! to other languages by adding additional COMETxxx.DLL files. The default is COMETENU.DLL, for American English. Just copy this file to another COMETxxx.DLL file where "xxx" is the Windows Language Code for your country. For example, German would be COMETDEU.DLL, French would be COMETFRN.DLL, and so on. Then translate the strings in the alternate file with a resource editor. * Nuclear Winter can be a much more exciting game -- set your screen resolution to 1024x768, open four instances of NUCLWINT at once, and start them all. Keep the Valium handy. ********************** REGISTERED USERS ONLY **************************** * !!!CHEATS!!! The registered version now has a few cheat codes. Just type them on the keyboard during the game -- case is not important. You can't use them during a network game :-( and using them forfeits your chance at a high score. PHASEOUT - makes you invulnerable -- you must turn it off and hyperspace to return from the phased state. JUGGER - makes your ship destroy everything it comes in contact with! NUKE - destroys all the rocks on the board. AUTOFIRE - gives your ship auto-fire capability. Just hold down the fire button! Still only 4 at a time, tho. * To use the Comet Busters! Screen Saver, go to Control Panel | Display and change to the Comet screen saver. * To use the source code, you will need Delphi 1.0 installed. Type "cometbld" and it should compile OK. * If you have problems with music, look at your Midi Mapper settings. Make sure you pick "General MIDI" or "General FM". ************************************************************************* TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- * No music: if you have the shareware version, you'll have to find your own MIDI files. Registered users, see above. * If you are having trouble playing Comet over a network, Go to http://www.windows95.com/connect/tcp.html to answer all of your Windows 95 TCP/IP questions. * Modem play is verrrrry tricky to get working. Grab a copy of DOOM or other modem game to find a good initialization string for your modem. The default one should work in most cases. For Windows 3.1 users, be sure to set your COM3-COM4 IRQ's and port addresses. * Joystick doesn't work -- for Windows 3.1 users, see above. For Windows 95 users, make sure the Joystick icon appears in the Control Panel. For all users, make sure you press the Setup button after choosing the joystick to center it! * If you're using the PC speaker sounds, you may notice that they tend to die from time to time, and you have to restart Windows to get them to come back. The PC speaker functions, alas, are buggy, and have not been officially supported since Win 3.0. Petition Microsoft if you want it fixed. NEW IN VERSION 1.4 ------------------ * WinG support!! This makes the game verrry pretty and gets rid of those ugly rectangles around everything!! * We now have a full-screen mode! * More tournament modes -- you can now choose to play with no rocks, or where asteroids blow up when you hit them. You can also pick the number of lives and number of levels you want to play in a tournament. Also, there are now tiebreakers. * Cloaking device now has a time limit. * Disruptor now acts sort of like a brake. NEW IN VERSION 1.3.4 -------------------- * Minor code changes, fixed screen saver. NEW IN VERSION 1.3.3 -------------------- * Don't need to have a WINSOCK.DLL in order to start the game. * Don't need SNDLIB.DLL either. * Changed a bunch of code around in preparation for the next version, so it should crash a lot. NEW IN VERSION 1.3.2 -------------------- * Minor bug fixes; more error messages for modem play; changed address. NEW IN VERSION 1.3 ------------------ * NETWORK/MODEM SUPPORT!!! Finally got around to figuring it out. You know, you just can't write a network game without a network... * Your ship is invulnerable for a short period after it materializes. * New rock-busting sounds! * Upped the frame rate to 24 FPS, which can also be changed. * Added context-sensitive help. * Made an optimization to the collision code so that everything will be faster. * An option for random music selection! See the help file under the "INI file" section for details. * New sound & music for Nuclear Winter! NEW IN VERSION 1.2 ------------------ * Now works with Windows 95! * Used the WAVEMIX version 2 library. Hopefully, this'll fix problems with the SB16. Sounds really good in Win 95 too. * Fixed a bug which made the window very teeny when you restore from an icon. * Squeezed the button bar a little more to fit on 640x480. * Added About box. * Secret stuff! NEW IN VERSION 1.1 ------------------ * This version uses the WAVEMIX.DLL library, which allows multiple sounds to be played simultaneously -- sort of. If you have a slow computer (even 486-33's are prone to this) you may hear skipping during some of the sounds. This is because Windows is STILL not a true multitasking environment. But hey, it's all worth it, right? * SUPER-COOL new sounds! Shield-crackling and popping, thruster sounds, and all sortsa goodies waiting for you. * Circumvented the Windows bug which caused small explosions to draw with the wrong palette in 256-color mode. * Finally, the joystick bug has been fixed! It seems to have affected fast computers with slow joysticks. How amazing is the difference between signed and unsigned integers! * The disruptor now exerts an equal and opposite force on your ship when you use it. This makes it a lot more useful as a defensive weapon. The higher the Special Ability, the more force. * I took out the "feature" where when you hyperspaced you would come back giant-size. Windows didn't map the colors correctly, so the ship looked all funky when you returned. But I HAVE improved the hyperspace so that it pops you back in a safe place MOST of the time (determined by the Special Ability attribute). * New "Tournament Mode" where the object is not to blast rocks, but to waste the other players. Pretty fun... * "Deadly Bullets" option, which makes your bullets, well ... deadly to other players. * New CLOAK ability which is pretty much useless without remote play! (Sorry again...) * Awesome looking flames out of the back of your ship! * More realistic collisions. * Other misc. bug fixes which I don't remember because OS/2 ate my "to-do" list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steven Hugg hugg@pobox.com 5/7/96